Xerosis / Dry Feet


We all know how dry it is here in Idaho, both in the summer and the winter. If you’ve typically had normal skin on your feet and have been noticing them becoming increasingly dry. You’re likely dealing with a case of xerosis. The condition medically known as xerosis is also better known as severe dry skin on the feet. There is really no medication needed to treat the condition.

There are several factors that can cause xerosis such as:

  • Bathing or showering habitually more than once a day
  • Using non-moisturizing soaps
  • Not applying lotion to re-moisturize the area
  • Using excessively hot water when showering or bathing

By applying a moisture-rich lotion to the area within 3 minutes of your bath or shower, you should be able to see results fairly quickly.

If you notice the dryness escalating and the skin becomes itchy and scaly, it has progressed to prurtius. Again, this condition is easily treated by re-moisturizing the area with lotion. However, if the condition persists for more than two weeks, this could indicate the presence or a viral, fungal or bacterial infection. In this case, you would want to visit us at AFAC to obtain antibiotics to treat the infected area.

If you feel that you may be suffering from Xerosis call our office at 208 785-6700 and see what Dr. Douglas Williams can do to help you.

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Conveniently Located Across the Street from Bingham Memorial Hospital

Hours Of Operation

Open 5 Days A Week To Serve You


9:00 AM-5:00 PM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM



